Frankie Zulferino (born: December 9, 1990 in Brooklyn, New York) is one to never hold back when it comes to his artistic representation. His virtuosity is again going to be on full display soon with his rendition of Abracadabra by no less than the icon herself, Lady Gaga. Here, he makes it entirely raw and personal. For one, his version is slower, haunting, and packed with so much emotion that it promises to let listeners in on an intimate, deeply moving battle of good versus evil. It depicts the incredible tug-of-war between order and chaos, one faced by everyone, but few are willing to put it at the forefront.
The video’s visuals say everything. One side shows Frankie trapped and restrained, held down by the weight of morality, perhaps even the dictates of society. The other unleashes a force far more dangerous, one that leans towards unbounded and unlimited freedom, free from the cares of the world. Each frame captures a moment of struggle, forcing the question: who wins when both sides exist inside the same person?
Without a doubt, music has always been Frankie’s weapon. As if it’s not obvious enough, it’s clear that he does not perform for the sake of entertainment. He uses every note, every move, every step, every rhythm, every tempo, and every footwork to tell a powerful story, regardless of whether controversial or polarizing. His take on Lady Gaga’s Abracadabra removes the surface and leaves nothing hidden, showing the insidious yet sanctified collision of light and darkness.
The result? A work of art that is so impossible to ignore. At the end of the day, Frankie will not once repeat what has already been done. He births ingenuity that lingers for so long, and this adaptation of Abracadabra is another testament to that, so be ready for its official premiere.