That is why ‘The Real Housewives of Dubai’ were eagerly awaited when it premiered in 2022. This show is in the eleventh series of the ‘Real Housewives’ franchise which showcased a group of cultured and wealthy women. Socialites, business people – these fearless women are always in the news for their opulent lifestyles and business empires. So, let us go through the cast of the show and find out what is the total net worth of the work done by the actors of the show before it is renewed for the second season on June 2.
Nina Ali is a fitness freak as well as an entrepreneur and has a huge following on the various social media platforms. Nina, the co-founder of Fruit Cake, has thus established a unique place for itself in the domain of culinary enterprises. These pursuits, as well as actively blogging on social networks, brought her the title of the richest housewife. They made their transition from being a regular and with their exit from the show, someone else is about to wear the crown.
Returning to the series from ‘Ladies of London,’ Caroline Stanbury part ways with her husband and brings her equities and networking connections from Dubai. Based on current evaluations, Caroline has a net worth of approximately 110 million dirhams ($30 million); she earned her money from selling and showcasing luxurious items and by participating in reality-shows. She has daughters from her previous marriage to a financier named Cem Habib and it enriched her financially.
Sara Al Madani, a leading serial entrepreneur, public speaker, and executive coach. For the fashion industry alone, she has established fashion companies that are reaping huge profits currently. Analyzing the performance of the business companies and Sara’s remarkable contribution in the consolidations, she earned an estimated net worth of 55 million dirhams ($15 million).
Lesa Milan can be described as an ense and a beauty queen who used to represent Jamaica. She also starting her own maternity wear brand; Mina Roe in which celebrities have been seen wearing. Currently, the estimative of Lesa’s net worth is approximately eighteen million dollars (5 million) owing to her businesses and solid modelling career.
Caroline Brooks, she is widely recognized by her moniker Caroline DXB, is an influential businesswoman, and investor, primarily in the field of real estate. She runs a personal deluxe spa and has business interests in active real estate sectors. She has an estimated worth, which at current exchange rate is equivalent to $ 4 million, 18 million dirhams.
Chanel Ayan is an independent model, and an entrepreneur based in Dubai who is the first black supermodel in the country. Modelling has earned her a lot of endorsements and business opportunities making her a she mogul. Chanel’s estimated net worth is 7 million dirhams ($2 million) and this indicates his level of working hard and self determined.
Unfortunately, there is not much information available about Taleen Marie, the latest member of ‘The Real Housewives of Dubai’; yet, one can assume her worth to be no less than 7 million dhirams (about $2 million).
These women demonstrate their financial prosperity on screen and embody the roles of business owners and achievers in different fields which makes it very appealing to the audience of those who like to consume program related to luxury and business.
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