A man named Swadesh Kumar a Dubai based Indian resident was recently rewarded by the Dubai Police after he returned Dh100,000 he found lying in the Al Barsha region. The recognition celebration was conducted by Brigadier Majid Al Suwaidi, the Director of Al Barsha Police Station, with other officers, including Colonel Mostafa Mohamed Abdullah, the Head of the Traffic Registration Section, Lt. Col. Yasser Al Hashemi the Head of the Criminal Records Section, and several others.
To reward Kumar for his act of integrity and what is considered responsibility, Brigadier Al Suwaidi awarded Kumar. He also added that the people like Kumar have also a lot to give to the vision and mission of the Dubai Police force in increasing public credibility and safety. “Such acts of honesty go a long way in enhancing Dubai City’s credit of being a safe and transparent city where everyone is a good citizen,” said Brigadier Al Suwaidi.
When receiving the honour Kumar thanked the officers for the award and stated that it was mandatory for him to repay the money. He said, “It was the right thing to do, and I’m glad of the chance to stand for the principles cherished by the Dubai Police.”
Appreciation coming from Dubai Police is consistent with the aim Dubai Police have of fostering and rewarding such actions that would help in bolstering the force and the fight against crime. Through such an act of feting residents such as Kumar, it is possible to understand that Dubai Police continues to drum up its key tenets that reflect the positive roles that integrity and accountability play in the society.
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