Entity Monitors within the Dubai Police analyzes a comprehensive traffic violation list through their AI-enabled radar systems to enhance safety and minimize accidents. The General Department of Traffic delivered the complete details of violations during a press conference on March 5, 2025 which included various offenses together with their corresponding fines and impoundment periods and black points.
Key Violations and Fines
AI-powered radar systems actively monitor various driving offenses through their tracking technology which leads to major fine payments and penalties. The list of unacceptable driving behaviors involves speeding along with running red lights and seatbelt and mobile phone violations during operation. The following list details important violations together with their related consequences:
Drivers who speed beyond 80 km/h above the limit must pay a fine of AED 3,000 and their vehicle remains seized for 60 days and they face 23 black points.
Drivers who exceed the speed limit by 60 kilometer/hour receive a fine of AED 2000 as well as 20 days of vehicle impoundment and 12 black points.
Exceeding by 50 km/h: AED 1,000 fine.
Exceeding by 40 km/h: AED 700 fine.
Exceeding by 30 km/h: AED 600 fine.
Exceeding by 20 km/h: AED 300 fine.
Driving through a red light will result in a AED 1,000 fine including 30-day vehicle impoundment and 12 black points on the driving record.
The penalty for failure to stay in a mandatory lane amounts to AED 400.
The fines for heavy vehicles total AED 1,500 and associate with 12 black points on driving records.
The offense of driving against traffic flow attracts a AED 600 fine along with seven-day vehicle impoundment and a total of four black points.
Improper Shoulder Use: AED 1,000, 30-day vehicle impoundment, and 6 black points.
Not Wearing a Seatbelt: AED 400 and 4 black points.
Those who use their mobile phones while driving will face a AED 800 fine as well as the issuance of 4 black points.
Excessive Tint: AED 1,500 fine.
The violation of driving safety distance while using noisy vehicles or failing to give way to pedestrians results in both monetary fines together with black points. The practice of remaining stationary in the middle of a motorway earns you a fine of AED 1,000 with 6 black points.